MGA Quarterly Update for Q4 2022

30 Dec 2022

Inspired to enhance your reading enjoyment, we are excited to present the Quarterly Update in a much improved format, designed for easier and quicker reading. For better viewing in Acrobat, we recommend “View\Page Display\Two Page View” and with “Show cover in two-page view” enabled/ticked.

We are grateful for another year full of opportunities to deliver our commitment to organising impactful activities for our members.  With guidance from its Council, driven by Working Committees and Secretariat, MGA has been working tirelessly in organising value-driven activities and getting involved in the national scene as highlighted in the bulletin as follows:

  1. Special messages from MGA Council members and leaders of Working Committees highlighting their reflections on MGA’s achievement and way forward aspirations. (pages 6-8)
  2. The year closed with promising prospects for natural gas in National Energy Policy 2022-2040.  MGA’s 6th series of Industry Talk has provided members with an exclusive platform to hear how natural gas is significantly featured in the NEP from a webinar on “Importance of Gas In Malaysia’s Future Energy”​. (page 14)
  3. In Dec 2022, MGA in collaboration with Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) successfully organised a “Workshop on Benefits of Cogeneration in Digital Industry”.  Led by MGA’s Taskforce on Promoting Cogeneration (TF-C), the Workshop provides an exclusive platform focusing on promoting greater utilisation of Cogeneration to the audience from Data Centre Investors and technical consultants. (pages 10-11)
  4. As part of advancing human capital development and attracting younger generations towards a technical career in the oil & gas industry, we organised MGA’s annual flagship PRESTIGE program. Attended by 60 engineering students in Peninsular Malaysia, the rebranded PRESTIGE was also featured in BERNAMA. (pages 16-18)
  5. MGA promoted STEM via the EEP program​ to lower secondary students. (pages 20-21)

MGA continues to strengthen its significant role on the International front;

  1. MGA emphasised the importance of gas in energy transition at the Regional Forum, OSEA 2022 in Singapore​ (page 23)
  2. Elevating Malaysia in the Global Gas arena at International Gas Union (IGU) meetings. (pages 24-25)

In the quarterly update, we also covered the following external publications and events related to gas such as;

  1. IGU’s quarterly magazine; Global Voice of Gas ​ (page 30)
  2. IGU’s flagship Wholesale Gas Price report​ (page 31)
  3. World Energy Outlook 2022​ (page 32)

On the Secretariat front, we are proud to share that four members of our team graduated as Certified Professional Association Executives (page 32).

Last but definitely not least, with our members support, we successfully organised the long-awaited and much anticipated Industry Gala Dinner that was well attended by nearly 700 industry players; providing a priceless platform for networking and renewing acquaintances  (pages 26-27).

We are humbled and immensely grateful for the continued support received from our members.  We look forward to renewed enthusiasm to delivering more impactful activities through strategic work plans driven by dedicated Working Committees.

View the MGA Quarterly Update for Q4 2022