MGA President Spoke About Important Roles of Natural Gas

14 September 2022

“Due to its flexibility and reliability, natural gas is the best partner to support the growth of Renewable energy, needed to ensure an uninterrupted supply for the intermittency of power generated by Renewables” Abdul Aziz Othman, MGA President

Abdul Aziz Othman, MGA President spoke about the importance of natural gas towards a sustainable future energy at MOGSEC Conference 2022 on 14 September 2022. Speaking in Plenary 3 on Future Energy, Abdul Aziz highlighted how natural gas has played important role as single largest energy source in Malaysia since 1990s and remain the single largest energy source in Malaysia, supplying around 42% in 2019. He emphasized that natural gas will still be an important source of energy in the future, to complement the growth of renewable. MGA President added that natural gas is important to balance the energy trilemma, it is also expected to play a critical role in the National Energy Policy (NEP). As a complement to the NEP, the upcoming Natural Gas Roadmap will set the path towards a vibrant & sustainable gas industry.