#MGA Industry Talk 4th Series Decarbonising Malaysia-Is Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) The Solution ?

8 September 2022

On 8 September 2022, MGA successfully organised its fourth #MGAIndustryTalk titled “Decarbonising Malaysia: Is Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) The Solution?”. Exclusively to MGA members and invited guests, the one and half hour insightful conversation aimed to provide important information on the CCS, its potential opportunities to help Malaysia to reduce emissions and achieve its 2050 net zero aspirations. We were very pleased to have such an overwhelming response with 235 registrations and it was one of the highest attended #MGAIndustry Talk with 182 participants during the event.

The audience was welcomed by the emcee, Nur Amira Mohamad and followed by exclusive presentations by Emry Hisham Yusoff, Senior General Manager of Carbon Management Upstream, PETRONAS. The webinar then continued with Q&A session moderated by Sukiman Mohamed, Leader of MGA’s Learning & Development Working Committee. The presentation successfully capture the audience’s interest in CCS, the session also seen overwhelming questions from the audience during the Q&A session.

Key Highlights:

  • CCS is a proven technology in reducing GHG emissions which has been operating safely for more than 25 years globally
  • Potential growth of CCS is continuously in development, with more business opportunities across the whole Malaysian oil & gas value chain
  • Malaysia has the potential to champion CCS in the region, due to its strategic location within the significant seaborne energy trade route in the East Asia region and within the buffer zone of the Pacific Ring of Fire.
  • Cross industry collaboration is important for a safe CCS deployment, with high reliability and efficiency
  • Government and the industry needs to work on a pragmatic policy framework of CCS to ensure seamlessly implementation that could be part of the new economic growth for Malaysia.