MGA-SHELL Industry Talk on Sky Scenario

6 Aug 2018

On 6th August 2018 Malaysian Gas Association (MGA), in collaboration with Shell, organized the presentation of Sky Scenario: Meeting the Goals of the Paris Agreements, followed by a panel session featuring YB Puan Yeo Bee Yin, Minister of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment & Climate Change.

Sky Scenario was presented by Dr. Cho-Oon Khong Chief Political Analyst, Shell Scenarios, Royal Dutch Shell. It outlines what it believe to be a technologically, industrially, and economically possible route forward, consistent with limiting the global average temperature rise to well below 2°C from pre-industrial levels. Sky is intended to be both an ambitious scenario and a realistic tool to inform dialogue. More information available at

The highlight of the talk was the panel session featuring the following eminent speakers;

  1. YB Puan Yeo Bee Yin
  2. Hazli Sham Kassim, President of MGA
  3. Cho-Oon Khong

and was moderated by Ir. Ahmad Hadri Haris from Shell Malaysia.

The video of the panel session can be accessed below;

At the end of the talk, Hazli Sham Kassim handed over the first copy of MGA’s Natural Gas Industry Annual Review 2017 to YB Puan Yeo. The document can be downloaded at

For more information on the talk, please e-mail to