MGA Annual Golf Tournament 2011

25 Apr 2011

Welcoming and heartful atmosphere was accompanied by good weather and an exceptional quality of the golf course. The tournament was held with the support of the sponsors namely Gas Malaysia, Delcom, Dialog and Misi Setia.

The warm and friendly atmosphere that was set up at the registration and breakfast table grew into a real battle on the golf course. The competition’s scoring format was System 36 Stableford.

Winners for the respective novelties and categories were:
• Nearest to Pin: Mr. Zulkiflee Idrus (hole 13A) and Mr. Ismail Zubir (hole 6A)
• Nearest to Line: Dato’ Abdullah Ahmad (hole 3A) and Mr. Nik Ariff (hole 16A)
• Longest Drive: Mr. Hazali Mansor (hole 8A) and Mr. Khaidhair (hole 11A)
• Best Gross Category: Dato’ Zubaidi Sulaiman
• Medal A Winner: Mr. Abdul Rahman Jantan
• Medal B Winner: Mr. Rizalman Ridzuan

Prizes for the winners were presented by Mr John James of Murphy, Datuk (Dr) A Rahim Hashim, Mr Wong Seng Kee of Shell and Mr Chan Yew Kai of Dialog Group.

Thank you to all participants for the time taken off your busy weekend schedules to support this great cause, without you this event would not be possible.