MGA Quarterly Update for Q3 & Q4 2023

31 Dec 2023

In this edition of the Quarterly Updates, you will find:

  • MGA’s engagement with Policymakers (page 17 )
  • MGA’s involvement in shaping the National policies (page 18)
  • Updates on National energy-related Policies (page 20)
  • Exclusive highlights from the Malaysian Gas Symposium (MyGAS 2023) where the Government and industry leaders discussed the revitalised role of natural gas in energy transition (page 31)
  • MyGAS 2023 received wide coverage on national TV and in newspapers (page 42)
  • MGA’s participation in advocating natural gas at major National energy conferences (page 45)
  • Workshop on Renewable Gas Solutions & Cogeneration for Data Centres in Malaysia, a collaboration event led by TF-C and TF-EG of MGA. (page 48)
  • MGA promoting Natural gas at major exhibitions (page 50)
  • The 4th series of Industry Talk highlighted the advantages and potential of Cogeneration & Emerging gases in supporting energy transition (page 54)
  • PRESTIGE Program: Our annual flagship program aimed at promoting technical careers in the oil & gas industry to University students was a resounding success. (page 57)
  • Promotion of STEM: MGA’s EEP program played a vital role in promoting STEM education among lower secondary students. (page 55)

Additionally, the Quarterly Update covers key external events related to the gas industry, including:

  • COP28 Reflections Bringing New Commitment towards Net Zero Emissions. (Page 28 )
  • The Global International Energy Outlook 2023 (page 30)

MGA’s strengthening influence in the international arena highlights:

  • International IGRC 2024 Interview: MGA President was featured in an exclusive interview in conjunction with the International Gas Research Conference (IGRC 2024) organised by the Canadian Gas Association (CGA) (Page 66)
  • MGA’s participation in advocating natural gas at the International platform (page 67)
  • Elevating Malaysia in the Global Gas Arena: MGA actively participated in the International Gas Union (IGU) to promote the Malaysian gas industry and progress towards Net Zero in the ASEAN region. (Page 68)

Stay tuned for more updates in the upcoming bulletin! Follow us on our social media platforms for the latest information from MGA.

Lastly, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for your continued support. We look forward to delivering more impactful activities through strategic work plans driven by our dedicated Working Committees. Your thoughts, comments, and ideas on how we can serve you better are always welcome.

Once again, we wish you a Happy New Year and extend our warmest wishes for a successful year ahead.

May 2024 bring abundant opportunities and growth for the Malaysian Gas Industry and all MGA members.

View the MGA Quarterly Update for Q3 & Q4 2023