MGA Quarterly Update for Q1 2023

19 MAY 2023

Welcome to the very first MGA Quarterly Bulletin 2023, which showcases MGA’s activities and accomplishments over the past months.

In this edition, you will find out how MGA has been actively involved in our gas advocacy efforts for the interests of the gas industry and our members, through various channels and platforms. MGA is proud to continue our active involvement in the national technical committees supporting the Government with important feedback on energy-related policies to ensure pragmatic policies are designed.  We are grateful for the opportunity to directly engage the policymakers and regulators towards the advancement of the Malaysian gas industry.

As we start 2023 with renewed optimism and enthusiasm, we would like to share with you activities that we have been instrumental in, among others, highlighted in the bulletin as follows;

  • MGA briefed its members on its Position on the Role of Gas and Activities planned for 2023 (page 7)
  • Leaders & Working Committees had their kick-off meeting to develop effective work plans (page 9)
  • Several announcements on policies relating to energy were made in Q1 2023 by the respective Ministers (pages 10-11)
  • Energy Commission of Sabah (ECoS) takes over the role of regulator of onshore gas supply from ST (pages 12-13)
  • Catch up on MGA’s first Webinar where Wood Mackenzie experts shared their Global Gas Outlook (page 26)

In the quarterly update, we also covered the following external publications and events related to gas such as;

  • Gas is expected to remain a key fuel in Malaysia’s Energy Transition Outlook (pages 14-15)
  • GECF’s Outlook examines the important role of gas in ensuring energy security, affordability and reliability (pages 16-17)
  • IGU Global Voice of Gas: First Publication in 2023 put a spotlight on the Asia gas market (page 24)

MGA also continues to strengthen its significant role on the International front;

  • MGA strengthens engagement with IGU members ​from the Southeast Asia region (page 25)
  • MGA speaks internationally about how its PRESTIGE program cultivates interest towards careers in the gas industry (page 29)

Continue to spread its advocacy efforts, MGA was widely captured in mainstream and online media coverage (page 30)

Lastly, on the #Diversity front, MyWiE-SWAN organised an event in conjunction with International Women’s Day 2023 (page 34)

As the bridge between the Government and the industry players, MGA is committed to continuing to serve and organise value-driven activities for the interest of our members.  We would like to thank our members for their continued support and trust in MGA to drive our vision and mission towards a sustainable Malaysian gas industry.

As always, please feel free to reach us and share your thoughts, comments, and ideas on how we can serve you better.

Stay tuned for more MGA events for the upcoming quarters, you don’t want to miss it!  Do follow us on our social media for MGA’s latest information.

We hope you enjoy reading the bulletin!

View the MGA Quarterly Update for Q1 2023